1. 国家自然科学基金项目,《基于蛋白组学的枸杞果实成熟与干制中的多糖累积差异机理研究》,项目编号:31560436,2015.8-2019.12,45.6万。
2. 国家星火计划,《宁南山区土鸡生态养殖技术推广与服务模式创建》,项目编号:2015GA880005,2015.7-2016.7,60万。
3. 国家科技成果转化项目,《鸡肉产品质量安全及品牌研究与示范》,2014.6-2016.12,20万。
4. 重点研发计划项目,《草石蚕种质资源收集创新及绿色高效生产技术研究与示范》,2023.4-2025.12,26.4万。
5. 厅局级自然科学其他项目,《方便豌豆食品提质增效技术研发及产业化示范》,2022.6-2024.6,20万。
6. 宁夏自然科学基金一般项目,《枸杞叶黄酮改善肉鸡运输应激介导“铁代谢”异常的分子机制研究》,项目编号:2021AAC03013,2021.5-2022.12,5万。
7. 宁夏自然科学基金重点项目,《高压介导肌原纤维蛋白诱变效应及对牛肉嫩化机制研究》,项目编号:2022AAC02021,2022.5-2025.5,28.9万。
8. 企业横向课题,《枸杞果脯产品技术研发》,2021.1-2024.12,15万
9. 企业横向课题,《油莎豆初级产品加工与综合利用生产技术》,2023.6-2026.6,18万。
1. Ferritin-dependent cellular autophagy pathway promotes ferroptosis in beef during cold storage. Food Chemistry, 2023,412 135550.
2.Identification of exudate metabolites associated with quality in beef during refrigeration. LWT, 2022,172 114241.
3. Assessment of the Bioaccessibility of Carotenoids in Goji Berry (Lycium barbarum L.) in Three Forms: In Vitro Digestion Model and Metabolomics Approach. Foods, 2022, 11 3731.
4.Glutathione metabolism-mediated ferroptosis reduces water-holding capacity in beef during cold storage. Food Chemistry, 2023, 398 133903.
5. Physicochemical properties of a new structural lipid from the enzymatical incorporation of flaxseed oil into mutton tallow. Heliyon, 2022, 8 e09615.
6.Haem-mediated protein oxidation affects water-holding capacity of beef during refrigerated storage. Food Chemistry:X., 2022, 14 100304.
7. Identification of key enzymes involved in the accumulation of carotenoids during fruit ripening of Lycium barbarum L. by a proteomic approach. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2021, 56 15279.
8. Changes in oxidation and secondary structure of myofibrilla protein, water distribution, and quality of vacuum packaged Tan mutton during storage at different temperatures.Journal of Food Processing and Preservation,2021, 45 15647.
9. Relationship between quality changes of post-rigor tan mutton andmyofibrillar protein following high-pressure treatment. CYTA-Journal of Food, 2020, 191863476.
10. Proteomics analysis to investigate the effect of oxidized protein on meat color and water holding capacity in Tan mutton under low temperature storage. LWT, 2021, 146 111429.
11. Fruit softening correlates with enzymatic activities and compositional changes in fruit cell wall during growing in Lycium barbarum L. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2021, 56 14948.
12. Effects of ficin, high pressure and their combination on quality attributes of post-rigor tan mutton. LWT, 2021, 137 110407.
13. Relationship between stress relaxation and quality attributes of post-rigor tan mutton during postmortem storage. Food science and nutrition, 2020, 19 1863476.
14. Quality changes in high pressure processed tan mutton during storagee. Food Science and Technology International, 2020, 27.
15. 基于挥发性成分分析的葡萄酒产地及品种鉴别研究进展. 食品科学, 2022, 43(13), 309-318.
16. 葡萄酒渣多酚-壳聚糖-CMC可食性复合膜在水煮羊肉贮藏中的应用. 浙江农业学报, 2021, 33(06), 1095-1103.
17. 采后1-甲基环丙烯与自发气调处理对冰温贮藏火柿软化及相关生理变化的影响. 食品科学, 2022, 43(17), 231-239.
18. 枸杞果实生长发育过程中寡糖代谢的蛋白组学分析. 食品科学, 2023, 44(12), 115-123.
19. 糖基化对分离乳清蛋白结构和功能特性的影响. 中国食品学报, 2023, 23(01), 54-65.