1. 国家自然科学青年基金,基于图谱融合技术的宁夏滩羊肉综合品质检测及品种识别方法研究,项目编号:31101306,2012.1-2014.12,21万元
2. 国家自然科学地区基金,羊肉细胞中过氧化物酶的分子高光谱检测及其波谱响应机理研究,项目编号:31660484,2017.1-2020.12,38万元
3. 国家自然科学地区基金,滩羊肉恩诺沙星痕量残留的显微荧光高光谱原位检测及其光量子机理,项目编号:32260625,2023.1-2026.12,33万元
4. 自治区国际合作项目,宁夏固原冷凉区牛肉品质形成调控及分级评估体系建立,项目编号:2019BEH03002,2019.1-2021.12,50万元
5. 自治区重点研发项目,羊共产物(下水)自动连续化绿色加工关键技术装备研制及生产线集成示范,项目编号:2020BBF03019,2020.1-2023.10,60万元
6. 自治区重点研发课题,宁夏冷鲜牛羊肉高品质生产及贮运保鲜技术规程集成研究,项目编号:2022BBF03002,2021.9-2023.12,30万元
7. 自治区自然科学优秀青年基金,滩羊肉恩诺沙星残留的荧光显微高光谱原位检测方法及光量子机制,项目编号:2022AAC05022,2022.1-2024.12,20万元
8. 宁夏高等学校自然科学项目,滩羊肉冷藏及加工过程中品质变化的低场核磁共振研究,项目编号:NGY2016018,2022.1-2024.12,1.5万元
9. 自治区重大专项子课题,牛羊肉休闲型零食型休闲制品及装备研发与示范,2017.11-2022.11,46.95万元
10. 成果转化项目,枸杞高品质高压电场干燥技术,2022.12-2023.6,10万元
11. 成果转化项目,牛肉真空低温干燥及休闲食品开发,2022.12-2023.6,10万元
12. 成果转化项目,卧式自动烧烤炉,2022.12-2023.12,3万元
13. 企业横向课题,枸杞高压电场组合干燥设备研发,2023.6-2023.12,13.7万元
14. 自治区科技特派员项目,袋装枸杞原浆微渗漏检测技术,2023.6-2024.12,5万元
15. 自治区政协委托课题,宁夏传统特色小吃食品工业化开发及产品市场发展研究,2022.4-2022.8,2万元
1. A new sensor for the rapid electrochemical detection of ractopamine in meats with high sensitivity. Food Chemistry. 405, 134791.
2. Identification of the proximate geographical origin of wolfberries by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy combined with deep learning. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 198, 107027.
3. Dynamic changes in the water distribution and key aroma compounds of roasted chicken during roasting. Food Research International. 172, 113146.
4. Combination of spectra and texture data of hyperspectral imaging for prediction and visualization of palmitic acid and oleic acid contents in lamb meat. Meat Science. 169, 108194.
5. CoNi bimetallic metal–organic framework and gold nanoparticles-based aptamer electrochemical sensor for enrofloxacin detection. Applied Surface Science. 604, 154369.
6. Identification of Near Geographical Origin of Wolfberries by a Combination of Hyperspectral Imaging and Multi-Task Residual Fully Convolutional Network. Foods. 11(13), 1936.
7. Quantification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in roasted Tan lamb using fluorescence hyperspectral imaging technology. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis.124, 105646.
8. A Combination of Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging with Two-Dimensional Correlation Analysis for Monitoring the Content of Alanine in Beef. Biosensors. 12(11), 1043.
9. Investigation of the data fusion of spectral and textural data from hyperspectral imaging for the near geographical origin discrimination of wolfberries using 2D-CNN algorithms. Infrared Physics and Technology. 125, 104286.
10. Combined hyperspectral imaging technology with 2D convolutional neural network for near geographical origins identifcation of wolfberry. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. 16(6), 4923-4933.
11. Combination of hyperspectral imaging and entropy weight method for the comprehensive assessment of antioxidant enzyme activity in Tan mutton. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 291, 122342.
12. Fusion of spectral and textural data of hyperspectral imaging for glycine content prediction in beef using SFCN algorithms. Food Analytical Methods. 16(2), 413-425.
13. Water distribution and key aroma compounds in the process of beef roasting. Frontiers in Nutrition. 9.
14. Integrated spectral and textural features of hyperspectral imaging for prediction and visualization of stearic acid content in lamb meat. Analytical Methods.13(36), 4157-4168.
15. Combined hyperspectral imaging technology with 2D convolutional neural network for near geographical origins identification of wolfberry. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. 16(6), 4923-4933.
16. 碳纸负载碳酸氢镍纳米颗粒的无酶葡萄糖电化学传感器. 无机化学学报. 7(11), 2002-2010.
17. 荧光高光谱结合特征波长筛选的脐橙表面农药残留快速检测. 光谱学与光谱分析. 42(12), 3789-3796.
18. 结合高光谱图像的光谱和纹理信息预测羊肉可溶性蛋白和GSH含量. 光谱学与光谱分析. 42(01), 176-183.
19. 高光谱技术融合图像信息的牛肉品种识别方法研究. 光谱学与光谱分析. 40(03), 911-916.
20. 高光谱图谱融合检测羊肉中饱和脂肪酸含量. 光谱学与光谱分析. 40(02), 595-601.
21. Study on key aroma compounds in the electric roasting process of Tan mutton. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 46(11).
22. 高光谱成像技术对牛肉水分含量及分布的快速检测. 光电子·激光.31(03), 326-333.
23. 滩羊肉中特征脂肪酸含量的高光谱检测及可视化. 中国食品学报. 21(10), 188-196.
24. 羊肉烤制过程中水分的分布与迁移规律. 中国食品学报. 22(03), 297-308.
25. 基于 LF-NMR 和 HS-SMPE-GC-MS 研究烤牛脂水分分布及关键挥发性风味物质. 食品科学. 44(12), 278-288.
26. 基于镍基碱式碳酸盐修饰电极的无酶葡萄糖电化学传感器构建. 食品科学. 43(08), 339-345.
27. 红外复合加热型连续式智能串烤机设计与试验. 农业工程学报. 35(15), 63-70.